Grace Valley
- There are 11 boys and a couple resident at the Grace Valley Farm. They live and work with the founder, Walter. At the Farm they are provided with food, shelter clothing.
- 20 to 30 children attend the Day Care Center each day,
the ages range from 5 to 15 year old. Most of the children come from dysfunctional families in the town of Zenica and the surrounding area.
Local Church
- Our church, according to all who come to visit us, is a living church, active and manifests the presence of God. Not only in the city but throughout the region.
Since December, our church has seen the number of people coming to worship on Sundays grow.
Our hope is to see these people converted to the Lord
We are happy to see a group of juniors in our community who are standing up for Jesus: Leo, Emma, Arnes, Edis, Elmin, Nezir and Vanessa. Juniors from 10 to 15 years old who are involved in the worship team and bible teaching as well.
The harsh reality is that, everywhere, churches have lost their vision: no children, young people, and few adults and activities that can impact society.
We welcomed more than a hundred people who came in groups, alone or in pairs to participate in the various activities of our church, in the Valley of Grace, at the day center and in the shelter for homeless as well. They have carried out a large range of activities such as children camps, camps for adults, camps for men, constructions, renewal of buildings, distribution of food parcels, visits to elderly and sick people, evangelization, teaching, team building and discipleship, church planting, social care etc.
Teens Camp
From 11 to the 15th August at the Boracko Jezero
Samir and Melani with some people from the Protestant Church in Zenica in partnership with a team from France will hold a camp for about 35 teenagers from zenica and Kakanj .
The activities carried out by our local church and the association "Reconciliation" are very present in the local and regional life through the following activities:
Day center for poor children and gypsies: we welcome a little over 30 children who have daily breakfast, hot meal and clean clothes to go to school.
Distribution of school supplies and scholarship so that young people can finish primary, secondary and vocational training. We have distributed more than 220 sets of school supplies
Social and family welfare center, with counseling, the distribution of food parcels to families in difficulty.
Half-way House for young people and adults who leave the prison, the orphanage or who come from the street: 8 young people lived temporarily in the house during the past year and 6 live there for the moment.
Homeless Shelter. More than a dozen people were welcomed.
The church: Ladies' meeting every Tuesday, Men’s bible studies every Tuesday, Bible studies in homes every Thursday, prayer meeting every Friday,